[Ffmpeg-devel] -ss having trouble with VOB file: bug?
Rodrigo Severo
Thu Apr 20 18:44:57 CEST 2006
On 4/21/06, Nico Sabbi <nsabbi at email.it> wrote:
> Erik Slagter wrote:
> > IIRC transcode uses libmpeg2 to decode mpeg2 while ffmpeg uses
> > libavcodec. The latter might be more strict in it's decoding.
> I always observed that ffmpeg12 is much more error resilient than libmpeg2
> when decoding broken streams
Maybe I have the first example of the contrary. Or just a new kind of
strangeness in the file. Anyway I don't believe it can be such a great
problem as transcode, xine and mplayer deal well with this same file.
Rodrigo Severo
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