[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] FLV decoder metadata reading

Allan Hsu allan
Fri Dec 8 23:49:41 CET 2006

>From the secret journal of Aurelien Jacobs:
> > +typedef struct {
> > +    int hasVideo;
> > +    int hasAudio;
> > [...]
> > +    int isStereo;
> Please avoid camelCase style in var name.

The hasVideo and hasAudio names were inspired by the fields in the
flvenc.c FLVContext struct. I assumed that since the names were fine in
the muxer, they should be fine in the demuxer... Regardless, I've taken
out the camelcasing.

> Maybe this could be simplified with something like this
> (note that it is untested):
> +        if (!strcmp(buffer, "stereo")) {
> +            if (!amf_get_object(ioc, AMF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, &bool))
> +                context->isStereo = bool;
> +        } else if (!amf_get_object(ioc, AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER, &dbl) {
> +            if(!strcmp(buffer, "duration"))      s->duration = AV_TIME_BASE * dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "width"))         context->width        = dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "height"))        context->height       = dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiocodecid"))  context->audiocodecid = dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "videocodecid"))  context->videocodecid = dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiosamplerate")) context->samplerate = dbl;
> +            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiosamplesize")) context->samplesize = dbl;
> +        }

I've changed the structure of this section to match your suggestion (and
tested it).

Here is the new patch, with requested changes.


Allan Hsu <allan at counterpop dot net>
1E64 E20F 34D9 CBA7 1300 1457 AC37 CBBB 0E92 C779
-------------- next part --------------
Index: libavformat/flvdec.c
--- libavformat/flvdec.c	(revision 7260)
+++ libavformat/flvdec.c	(working copy)
@@ -27,6 +27,309 @@
 #include "avformat.h"
 #include "flv.h"
+typedef struct {
+    int has_video;
+    int has_audio;
+    int is_stereo;
+    int videocodecid;
+    int audiocodecid;
+    int width;
+    int height;
+    int samplerate;
+    int samplesize;
+} FLVDemuxContext;
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int prev_tag_size;
+    unsigned int next_pos;
+    int type;
+    int body_size;
+    int pts;
+} FLVTagInfo;
+inline static void create_vp6_extradata(AVStream *stream) {
+    if(stream->codec->extradata_size != 1) {
+        stream->codec->extradata_size = 1;
+        stream->codec->extradata = av_malloc(1);
+    }
+static int amf_skip_object(ByteIOContext *ioc, AMFDataType *type) {
+    AMFDataType objectType;
+    objectType = (type != NULL ? *type : get_byte(ioc));
+    switch(objectType) {
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER:
+            url_fskip(ioc, 8); break; //double precision float
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL:
+            url_fskip(ioc, 1); break; //byte
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_STRING:
+            url_fskip(ioc, get_be16(ioc)); break;
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_OBJECT: {
+            unsigned int keylen;
+            for(keylen = get_be16(ioc); keylen != 0; keylen = get_be16(ioc)) {
+                url_fskip(ioc, keylen); //skip key string
+                if(amf_skip_object(ioc, NULL) < 0) //skip the following object
+                    return -1; //if we couldn't skip, bomb out.
+            }
+            if(get_byte(ioc) != AMF_END_OF_OBJECT)
+                return -1;
+        }
+            break;
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_NULL:
+            break; //these take up no additional space
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY: {
+            unsigned int arraylen, i;
+            arraylen = get_be32(ioc);
+            for(i = 0; i < arraylen; i++)
+                amf_skip_object(ioc, NULL);
+        }
+            break;
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_DATE:
+            url_fskip(ioc, 8 + 2); //timestamp (double) and UTC offset (int16)
+            break;
+        default: //unsupported, we couldn't skip.
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int amf_get_object(ByteIOContext *ioc, AMFDataType type, void *dest) {
+    AMFDataType actualType = get_byte(ioc);
+    if(actualType != type) {
+        //type was not the one we expected; skip object, don't touch dest, return error.
+        amf_skip_object(ioc, &actualType);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    //we currently only need these two types for metadata parsing.
+    switch(type) {
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER:
+            *(double *)dest = av_int2dbl(get_be64(ioc));
+            break;
+        case AMF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL:
+            *(unsigned char *)dest = get_byte(ioc);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int amf_get_string(ByteIOContext *ioc, char *buffer, int buffsize) {
+    int length;
+    length = get_be16(ioc);
+    if(length > buffsize)
+        return -1; //string will not fit in buffer
+    get_buffer(ioc, buffer, length);
+    buffer[length] = '\0';
+    return length;
+static int flv_read_tag_header(ByteIOContext *ioc, FLVTagInfo *info) {
+    info->pos = url_ftell(ioc);
+    info->prev_tag_size = get_be32(ioc);
+    info->type = get_byte(ioc);
+    info->body_size = get_be24(ioc);
+    info->pts = get_be24(ioc);
+//    av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "type:%d, size:%d, pts:%d\n", info->type, info->body_size, info->pts);
+    if(url_feof(ioc))
+        return AVERROR_IO;
+    url_fskip(ioc, 4); /* reserved */
+    info->next_pos = info->body_size + url_ftell(ioc);
+    return 0;
+static int flv_read_metabody(AVFormatContext *s, unsigned int next_pos) {
+    FLVDemuxContext *context;
+    AMFDataType type;
+    ByteIOContext *ioc;
+    int keylen;
+    unsigned int itemcount;
+    char buffer[256];
+    double dbl;
+    unsigned char bool;
+    context = s->priv_data;
+    ioc = &s->pb;
+    //first object needs to be "onMetaData" string
+    type = get_byte(ioc);
+    if(type != AMF_DATA_TYPE_STRING || amf_get_string(ioc, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1) < 0 || strcmp(buffer, "onMetaData") != 0)
+        goto bail;
+    //second object needs to be a mixedarray
+    type = get_byte(ioc);
+        goto bail;
+    //this number has been known to misreport the number of items in the mixed array, so we don't use it.
+    itemcount = get_be32(ioc);
+    while(url_ftell(ioc) < next_pos - 2 && (keylen = amf_get_string(ioc, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) > 0) {
+        if(!strcmp(buffer, "stereo")) {
+            if(!amf_get_object(ioc, AMF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, &bool)) context->is_stereo = bool;
+        } else if(!amf_get_object(ioc, AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER, &dbl)) {
+            if(!strcmp(buffer, "duration"))             s->duration           = dbl * AV_TIME_BASE;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "width"))           context->width        = dbl;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "height"))          context->height       = dbl;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiocodecid"))    context->audiocodecid = dbl;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "videocodecid"))    context->videocodecid = dbl;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiosamplerate")) context->samplerate   = dbl;
+            else if(!strcmp(buffer, "audiosamplesize")) context->samplesize   = dbl;
+        }
+    }
+    if(keylen < 0 || get_byte(ioc) != AMF_END_OF_OBJECT)
+        goto bail;
+    url_fseek(ioc, next_pos, SEEK_SET);
+    return 0;
+    url_fseek(ioc, next_pos, SEEK_SET);
+    return -1;
+static int flv_validate_context(AVFormatContext *s) {
+    FLVDemuxContext *context = s->priv_data;
+    //if any values do not validate, assume metadata tool was brain dead and fail.
+    if(s->duration <= 0)
+        return -1;
+    if(context->has_audio) {
+        switch(context->audiocodecid << FLV_AUDIO_CODECID_OFFSET) {
+            case FLV_CODECID_PCM_BE:
+            case FLV_CODECID_ADPCM:
+            case FLV_CODECID_MP3:
+            case FLV_CODECID_PCM_LE:
+            case FLV_CODECID_NELLYMOSER:
+                break;
+            default:
+                return -1;
+        }
+        //flvtool (and maybe others) writes approximate sample rates for some awesome reason.
+        switch(context->samplerate) {
+            case 44100: case 44000: context->samplerate = 44100; break;
+            case 22050: case 22000: context->samplerate = 22050; break;
+            case 11025: case 11000: context->samplerate = 11025; break;
+            case  5512: case  5500: context->samplerate =  5512; break;
+            default:
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(context->samplesize != 8 && context->samplesize != 16)
+            return -1;
+    }
+    if(context->has_video) {
+        switch(context->videocodecid) {
+            case FLV_CODECID_H263:
+            case FLV_CODECID_SCREEN:
+            case FLV_CODECID_VP6:
+                break;
+            default:
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(context->height == 0 || context->width == 0)
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int flv_create_streams(AVFormatContext *s) {
+    FLVDemuxContext *context;
+    AVStream *audioStream, *videoStream;
+    context = s->priv_data;
+    audioStream = NULL;
+    videoStream = NULL;
+    if(context->has_video) {
+        videoStream = av_new_stream(s, 0);
+        if(videoStream == NULL)
+            return -1;
+        av_set_pts_info(videoStream, 24, 1, 1000);
+        videoStream->codec->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO;
+        videoStream->codec->width = context->width;
+        videoStream->codec->height = context->height;
+        switch(context->videocodecid) {
+            case FLV_CODECID_H263:
+                videoStream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_FLV1;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_SCREEN:
+                videoStream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_FLASHSV;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_VP6:
+                videoStream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_VP6F;
+                create_vp6_extradata(videoStream);
+                break;
+            default:
+                av_log(s, AV_LOG_INFO, "Unsupported video codec in META tag: (%x)\n", context->videocodecid);
+                videoStream->codec->codec_tag = context->videocodecid;
+        }
+    }
+    if(context->has_audio) {
+        audioStream = av_new_stream(s, 1);
+        if(audioStream == NULL)
+            return -1;
+        av_set_pts_info(audioStream, 24, 1, 1000);
+        audioStream->codec->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO;
+        audioStream->codec->channels = context->is_stereo ? 2 : 1;
+        audioStream->codec->bits_per_sample = context->samplesize;
+        audioStream->codec->sample_rate = context->samplerate;
+        switch(context->audiocodecid << FLV_AUDIO_CODECID_OFFSET) {
+            case FLV_CODECID_PCM_BE:
+                audioStream->codec->codec_id = context->samplesize == 16 ? CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE : CODEC_ID_PCM_S8;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_ADPCM:
+                audioStream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SWF;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_MP3:
+                audioStream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_MP3;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_PCM_LE:
+                audioStream->codec->codec_id = context->samplesize == 16 ? CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE : CODEC_ID_PCM_S8;
+                break;
+            case FLV_CODECID_NELLYMOSER:
+            default:
+                av_log(s, AV_LOG_INFO, "Unsupported audio codec in META tag: (%x)\n", context->audiocodecid);
+                audioStream->codec->codec_tag = context->audiocodecid;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
 static int flv_probe(AVProbeData *p)
     const uint8_t *d;
@@ -43,15 +346,29 @@
 static int flv_read_header(AVFormatContext *s,
                            AVFormatParameters *ap)
+    FLVTagInfo taginfo;
+    FLVDemuxContext *context = s->priv_data;
     int offset, flags, size;
-    s->ctx_flags |= AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER; //ok we have a header but theres no fps, codec type, sample_rate, ...
     url_fskip(&s->pb, 4);
     flags = get_byte(&s->pb);
     offset = get_be32(&s->pb);
+        context->has_video = 1;
+        context->has_audio = 1;
+    //0 is a valid audio codec id, so set it to something that will cause a validation error if it does not get set in flv_read_metabody
+    context->audiocodecid = -1;
+    if(   flv_read_tag_header(&s->pb, &taginfo)  < 0 || taginfo.type != FLV_TAG_TYPE_META
+       || flv_read_metabody(s, taginfo.next_pos) < 0 || flv_validate_context(s) < 0
+       || flv_create_streams(s) < 0) {
+        //error reading first tag header, first tag is not metadata, or metadata incomplete.
+        s->ctx_flags |= AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER;
         const int fsize= url_fsize(&s->pb);
         url_fseek(&s->pb, fsize-4, SEEK_SET);
@@ -62,7 +379,8 @@
-    url_fseek(&s->pb, offset, SEEK_SET);
+        url_fseek(&s->pb, offset, SEEK_SET);
+    }
     s->start_time = 0;
@@ -71,76 +389,32 @@
 static int flv_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
-    int ret, i, type, size, pts, flags, is_audio, next, pos;
+    FLVTagInfo taginfo;
+    int ret, i, flags, is_audio;
     AVStream *st = NULL;
-    pos = url_ftell(&s->pb);
-    url_fskip(&s->pb, 4); /* size of previous packet */
-    type = get_byte(&s->pb);
-    size = get_be24(&s->pb);
-    pts = get_be24(&s->pb);
-//    av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "type:%d, size:%d, pts:%d\n", type, size, pts);
-    if (url_feof(&s->pb))
+    if(flv_read_tag_header(&s->pb, &taginfo) < 0)
         return AVERROR_IO;
-    url_fskip(&s->pb, 4); /* reserved */
     flags = 0;
-    if(size == 0)
+    if(taginfo.body_size == 0)
-    next= size + url_ftell(&s->pb);
-    if (type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_AUDIO) {
+    if (taginfo.type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_AUDIO) {
         flags = get_byte(&s->pb);
-    } else if (type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_VIDEO) {
+    } else if (taginfo.type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_VIDEO) {
         flags = get_byte(&s->pb);
-    } else if (type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_META && size > 13+1+4) {
-        url_fskip(&s->pb, 13); //onMetaData blah
-        if(get_byte(&s->pb) == 8){
-            url_fskip(&s->pb, 4);
-        }
-        while(url_ftell(&s->pb) + 5 < next){
-            char tmp[128];
-            int type, len;
-            double d= 0;
-            len= get_be16(&s->pb);
-            if(len >= sizeof(tmp) || !len)
-                break;
-            get_buffer(&s->pb, tmp, len);
-            tmp[len]=0;
-            type= get_byte(&s->pb);
-            if(type == AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER){
-                d= av_int2dbl(get_be64(&s->pb));
-            }else if(type == AMF_DATA_TYPE_STRING){
-                len= get_be16(&s->pb);
-                if(len >= sizeof(tmp))
-                    break;
-                url_fskip(&s->pb, len);
-            }else if(type == AMF_DATA_TYPE_MIXEDARRAY){
-                //array
-                break;
-            }else if(type == AMF_DATA_TYPE_DATE){
-                d= av_int2dbl(get_be64(&s->pb));
-                get_be16(&s->pb);
-            }
-            if(!strcmp(tmp, "duration")){
-                s->duration = d*AV_TIME_BASE;
-            }else if(!strcmp(tmp, "videodatarate")){
-            }else if(!strcmp(tmp, "audiodatarate")){
-            }
-        }
-        url_fseek(&s->pb, next, SEEK_SET);
+    } else if (taginfo.type == FLV_TAG_TYPE_META && taginfo.body_size > 13+1+4) {
+        flv_read_metabody(s, taginfo.next_pos);
     } else {
         /* skip packet */
-        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "skipping flv packet: type %d, size %d, flags %d\n", type, size, flags);
-        url_fseek(&s->pb, next, SEEK_SET);
+        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "skipping flv packet: type %d, size %d, flags %d\n", taginfo.type, taginfo.body_size, flags);
+        url_fseek(&s->pb, taginfo.next_pos, SEEK_SET);
@@ -163,11 +437,11 @@
        ||(st->discard >= AVDISCARD_BIDIR  &&  ((flags & FLV_VIDEO_FRAMETYPE_MASK) == FLV_FRAME_DISP_INTER && !is_audio))
        || st->discard >= AVDISCARD_ALL
-        url_fseek(&s->pb, next, SEEK_SET);
+        url_fseek(&s->pb, taginfo.next_pos, SEEK_SET);
-        av_add_index_entry(st, pos, pts, size, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);
+        av_add_index_entry(st, taginfo.pos, taginfo.pts, taginfo.body_size, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);
@@ -200,13 +474,10 @@
             case FLV_CODECID_SCREEN: st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_FLASHSV; break;
             case FLV_CODECID_VP6   :
                 st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_VP6F;
-                if (st->codec->extradata_size != 1) {
-                    st->codec->extradata_size = 1;
-                    st->codec->extradata = av_malloc(1);
-                }
+                create_vp6_extradata(st);
                 /* width and height adjustment */
                 st->codec->extradata[0] = get_byte(&s->pb);
-                size--;
+                taginfo.body_size--;
                 av_log(s, AV_LOG_INFO, "Unsupported video codec (%x)\n", flags & FLV_VIDEO_CODECID_MASK);
@@ -214,14 +485,14 @@
-    ret= av_get_packet(&s->pb, pkt, size - 1);
+    ret= av_get_packet(&s->pb, pkt, taginfo.body_size - 1);
     if (ret <= 0) {
         return AVERROR_IO;
     /* note: we need to modify the packet size here to handle the last
        packet */
     pkt->size = ret;
-    pkt->pts = pts;
+    pkt->pts = taginfo.pts;
     pkt->stream_index = st->index;
     if (is_audio || ((flags & FLV_VIDEO_FRAMETYPE_MASK) == FLV_FRAME_KEY))
@@ -249,7 +520,7 @@
 AVInputFormat flv_demuxer = {
     "flv format",
-    0,
+    sizeof(FLVDemuxContext),

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