[Ffmpeg-devel] Improve synchronize using ffmpeg.
Wed Dec 20 03:48:14 CET 2006
i have problem when i record video with ffmpeg library.
That is, the video recorded is missing time ... example, if i record 30 seconds, recoded video missing 2 seconds.
I also record audio with directsound, and this work good. The time of recorded audio is right. Ex: If i record in 30 second, i will get the recorded audio with time record is 30.
So, next of my problem is when i using ffmpeg to merge the video and audio above then i get recorded media but audio and video are not synchronize....
ffmpeg -i -y recorded_audio recorded_video recorded_media
I would like to get synchronize, the video can missing little second but synchronize is need for me.
have limit of synchronize using ffmpeg, can ffmpeg improve synchronize,, ? What options we can use???
I hope you can help me.. Thanks for your help.
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