[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] register_protocol

Michel Bardiaux mbardiaux
Mon Jan 30 10:40:48 CET 2006

Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 12:00:26PM +0100, Michel Bardiaux wrote:
>>The current implementation has several problems:
>>(1) Call av_register_all, the register one of yours, then
>>av_register_all again: yours is lost... Worse: register yours, call
>>av_register_all, register yours again, you get... only yours.
> if(p == protocol)
>     return -1;
>>(2) Relies on a linked list that actually resides in klientland.
> and yours is bloated and leaks :)

Could you point out the leak?

As for the bloat: my patch is bigger than yours :-) but that's because I 
tried to support re-registration of a different protocol block under the 
same name. Yours assumes that multiple registration of the same protocol 
block (identified solely by address) is forbidden, but multiple blocks 
with the same name are allowed, which does not make sense to me.

I also tried to remove the reliance on protocol blocks sitting in 
klientland. Do you really consider that taking copies is *bloat*?

> summary: rejected (first there must be a real problem like the multi
> registering, but that can be fixed much simpler)

So at least we agree that there is a problem?

> [...]

Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
T +32 [0] 2 790 29 41
F +32 [0] 2 790 29 02
E mailto:mbardiaux at mediaxim.be

Mediaxim NV/SA
Vorstlaan 191 Boulevard du Souverain
Brussel 1160 Bruxelles

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