AW: [Ffmpeg-devel] Strange nb_streams value
Wiese, Hendrik
Fri Mar 24 12:50:59 CET 2006
Hi hi... Sorry for writing over and over again, but I still
urgently (!) need help and I want to let you know my newest
experiences with the libs as I'm going to dispair.
I tried FFMPEG-0.4.9_pre1 because it is the newest revision
that gave me a valid nb_streams value in my AVFormatContext
(given by av_open_input_file). My next problem is, that the
codec_id in my AVFormatContext is always (!) CODEC_ID_NONE,
no matter which input file I use. It just has to be an AVI
file. I'm really going to dispair...
With the current CVS I get an annoying missbehaviour... The
nb_streams value (and other fields) of the FormatContext
given by av_open_input_file is invalid! It contains
0xCCCCCCCC instead of the correct number of frames. Just
before av_open_input_file returns, the value of nb_streams
(and others) is VALID! But back in the function that called
av_open_input_file, I can't work with these fields, because
they aren't valid anymore.
For info: I'm working with Windows. I tried
ffmpeg-0.4.9_pre1 and the current CVS. I compiled them with
MinGW (gcc-3.4.2). FFMPEG-0.4.9_pre1 compiled without any
errors. The current CVS compiled with some undefined
references to fseeko and similar. My program (that uses
ffmpeg) is compiled using MSVC++ 6.0.
And sorry for telling you again: I really need help with
If you can't help me, please tell me why! I'll see, what
I can do to give you all required informations.
Hendrik Wiese
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ffmpeg-devel-bounces at [mailto:ffmpeg-devel-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Wiese, Hendrik
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. M?rz 2006 12:57
An: FFMpeg development discussions and patches
Betreff: [Ffmpeg-devel] Strange nb_streams value
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
Hi again,
I got another heavy problem. After opening an AVI file with
av_open_input_file(), the given AVFormatContext is invalid.
av_open_input_file returned 0 so I think everything works
fine inside the function. I looked into av_open_input_file
and the AVFormatContext it generates is valid until the end
of the function. Also the pointer returned by it is valid.
But after the function returns it is invalid again, although
it points to the correct location where the generated
FormatContext was before the function returned. Just for
your Information: I compile ffmpeg using MinGW (tried both
'./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-mmx'
and './configure --enable-shared --disable-static
--enable-memalignhack'). The Program that uses avformat and
avcodec is compiled and linked by Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
Please help this time... my other questions all stayed
unanswered for some reason.
Hendrik Wiese
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