[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] dv1394.h correction
Michal Kuna
Mon Nov 6 17:30:33 CET 2006
Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 10:01 +0100, Michal Kuna wrote:
>> Hello,
>> ffmpeg -grab dv1394 not worked on my system (MDV2007, Linux 2.6.17-5mdv,
>> gcc 4.1.1). I found discrepancy IOCTL command definition between ffmpeg
>> dv1394.h and kernel header file dv1394.h. With patch recording from
>> camcorder (SONY DCR-HC24) directly to ffmpeg like:
>> ./ffmpeg -gd /dev/dv1394/0 -tvstd pal -grab dv1394 -deinterlace -s
>> 640x480 -b 1250k -bt 250k -vcodec mpeg4 -ab 128 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -acodec
>> mp3 -y test.avi
>> is working.
>> Note:
>> - if it's some misconception on my side - sorry
> Its not really a misconception, but rather you don't see the
> bigger picture -- older kernels. I'm currently working on trying
> to unify various dv1394 capturing APIs (on Linux and Max OS X
> so far) and hopefully will take care of this issue somehow.
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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Hi Roman,
with older kernels you are right, but do you mean Linux kernel before
2.6? I check this time kernel package from kernel.org ftp archive and in
the version 2.6.1 from January 2004 'dv1394.h' and 'ieee1394-ioctl.h'
seem also incompatible with current ffmpeg 'dv1394.h' file. It's over
two years. Probably different situation is on kernel 2.4 and MAC OSX, I
have not information.
If is some information about non-functionality -grab dv1394 on kernel
2.6 presented in this forum or ffmpeg documentation I didn't find it -
maybe my mistake.
So, I think your dv1394 APIs interface will be perfect, but until this
some note or some patch or info will be very useful. Original dv1394
modul is without debug level option and trace problem into kernel driver
need some time. Especially if someone start with DV cam and is not
satisfied with pipe between dvgrab and ffmpeg.
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