[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] compile with demux only
Baptiste Coudurier
Wed Nov 8 10:33:32 CET 2006
Stefan Gehrer wrote:
> Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 06:02:37PM +0100, Loic wrote:
>> [stuff not maintained by me]
>>> ff_cavs_find_frame_end function which is in cavs.c has been moved to
>>> parser.c in the same block where it is used. As this function is only
>>> used here, it can be removed for parser.h and declared static.
>>> Note that some defines from cavsdata.h are needed by
>>> ff_cavs_find_frame_end so I put them in a separate cavs.h file and
>>> include it from cavs.c and parser.c (I don't include cavsdata.h directly
>>> in parser.c because it contains many static const variable declaration
>>> which use memory but wont be used).
>> while i have no strong oppinion about this IMHO the cavs parser code
>> should
>> rather stay in cavs.c or be put in a seperate file alltogether, parser.c
>> does not seem like the best place
>> but iam not maintainer of cavs either ...
> I agree, the parsing can be in cavs.c, I just put it into parser.c for
> its similarity to the other code there. This could also avoid creating
> that new cavs.h with almost no information in it (most of the defines
> are duplicate from mpeg1/2 anyway). But sorry, I don't have time to
> come up with a patch at the moment.
I agree, cavs parser should be moved to cavs.c, like it has been done
for mpegvideo parser.
Baptiste COUDURIER GnuPG Key Id: 0x5C1ABAAA
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