[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] mtv demuxer genesis

Aurelien Jacobs aurel
Sun Oct 8 23:07:51 CEST 2006

On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 04:04:14 -0400
"Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet" <reynaldo at opendot.cl> wrote:

> This is my first attempt at writing a lavf demuxer so any comment
> will be more than welcome, im sure there are a lot of improvements
> and corrections to be made to the code.
> +#define LE_24(x) ((((uint8_t*)(x))[2] << 16) | (((uint8_t*)(x))[1] << 8) | \
> +((uint8_t*)(x))[0])

What about putting this along with LE_32 in avcodec.h ?

> +        /* buffer is GGGRRRR BBBBBGGG 
> +         * and we need RRRRRGGG GGGBBBBB
> +         * for PIX_FMT_RGB565 so here we
> +         * just swap bytes as they come
> +         */
> +
> +        for(i=0;i<chunk_size-1;i++)
                                 ^^^^^ this should read i+=2 I guess
> +        {
> +            tmp = *(buffer+i);
> +            *(buffer+i) = *(buffer+i+1);
> +            *(buffer+i+1) = tmp;
> +        }
> +
> +        memcpy(pkt->data, buffer, chunk_size);

There's probably a better way to do this. (add a new PIX_FMT ??)
At least you could do something like this to avoid one copy:

+        ptr = pkt->data;
+        for(i=0;i<chunk_size-1;i+=2)
+        {
+            *(ptr+i) = *(buffer+i+1);
+            *(ptr+i+1) = *(buffer+i);
+        }


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