[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] enable libswscale

VĂ­ctor Paesa wzrlpy
Sat Sep 2 23:41:41 CEST 2006


Here is attached my patch to port ppm vhook to swscaler.

The patch uses sws_getCachedContext() therefore depends on my
ffmpeg.swscale.swscale.2.patch (hopefully to be incorparated into SVN soon).
(see discussion at

The testing has been a bit deceptive, since the unpatched ppm vhook only
supports processing single frames.
I'm not sure if that is consecuence of my Cygwin platform and the use of
fork/pipes in this vhook.
Maybe it works fine under Linux?

I attach also the test cases, where the patched ppm.c fails in the same
cases as the original fails.

Hence test OK, but only in the sense that it didn't break anything more
that wasn't already broken.

V?ctor Paesa
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