[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Staticising mpeg12data header

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò flameeyes
Tue Sep 19 21:48:20 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 19 September 2006 20:52, Rich Felker wrote:
> It is OS-specific. The "OS" in question is the GNU binutils. I doubt
> it works on Darwin.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it works on Darwin: http://tinyurl.com/lsnxf (it's 
Apple documentation, would that be enough for Mach-O? :) )
By the way, if GNU emacs can be considered an Operating System, binutils are 
still sane enough not to be considered one.
And finally, Intel ICC compiler supports visibility too, so it's not just a 
GNU thing.

> The GNU brain damage is the fact that ELF sucks and that the GNU
> people pushed it on all the other free unices. Read the history if
> you're not aware of it.
I can read enough to see that a.out can barely be considered an executable 
format for modern operating systems, that PE copes with requirements 
completely different from the ones of the modern unices, and that Mach-O, 
well, has its black spots, especially when concerning security.

> It's their fault for using a stupid architecture. Dynamic linking
> inherently uses more memory and runs slower.
And is more reliable whn a dependency is removed and when an ABI is broken.
The fact that shared libraries are slower than statically linked code does not 
mean that one has to avoid using the features that allows to improve their 

> > In addition to that, statically linking FFmpeg will become an
> > extra burden for package maintainers, and a problem from a security point
> > of view (because you'd need to identify all the programs linking to
> > FFmpeg and rebuild them every time a vulnerability is discovered).
> Too bad.
It's FFmpeg project that gets a bad security reputation, so, well, too bad for 
you, considering it's a pretty simple thing that is required to avoid such a 
reputation :)

> The burden is making the program less portable and more polluted with
> ugly OS-specific hacks. I'm sick of your Linux-kiddie mindset. The
> world is not a GNU/Linux/ELF.
As Luca already noted, if you were looking for a GNU zealot, you passed right 
over my head. The visibility attributes work for both ELF and Mach-O, they 
work on GNU/Linux, uclibc/Linux, on FreeBSD, on OpenBSD, on Darwin, ..
And about portability, that is always one of my main concerns; the patches I'm 
sending are not hindering anything. The only thing is that they don't enable 
visibility on ICC 9, but that's just because I don't have it at hand to test 

> -Bsymbolic will give the same benefit. Using static linking will give
> even more benefit.
Uoti's reply already covered this.

Cya (sure that there are at least some FFmpeg-using projects that would 
benefit from a bit more open mindset)
Diego "Flameeyes" Petten? - http://farragut.flameeyes.is-a-geek.org/
Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE
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