[Ffmpeg-devel] Bindings benchmark on visibility patch
Roman Shaposhnick
Sat Sep 23 00:21:03 CEST 2006
On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 23:20 +0200, Diego 'Flameeyes' Petten? wrote:
> On Friday 22 September 2006 23:03, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > well use a short video with 1 frame, and if xine is too slow try some more
> > primitive player (ffmpeg or ffplay maybe)
> I'll try to find it, but with a single frame most of the functions are
> unlikely to get called anyway. The problem is that with lazy bindings you get
> the binding time spread across the execution, and with dlopened plugins
> you're not hitting all the bindings when you're playing a single file.
I'm actually pretty curious to see the data even if its something
along the lines of LD_BIND_NOW. At lest that will give us an
understanding of a worst case scenario.
> > anyway if the speed gain is unmeassureable then id say that "speed gain"
> > should be droped from the arguments
> It's load speed gain that interests me, to be honest. I can see the difference
> through callgrind's output, it's about a 2% gain on the dlopen() subcall.
> It's not much when compared to the snail slow loadtime of xine's framework,
> but it will likely be (I know there are other libraries that causes this
> problem, for once libmp4v2, and that their effect is probably larger, but
> FFmpeg is also summed in all this, and I considered it an easy task to start
> with).
> To put it plainly, the gain is there, it's not huge, it's not microscopic,
> it's just difficult to benchmark properly.
If 2% speedup of dlopen() is all there is -- I would vote strongly
against this patch.
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