[Ffmpeg-devel] RFC: compiling for armv4l
Piero Bugoni
Sun Apr 15 11:23:45 CEST 2007
Regarding ffmpeg on ARM, a "Gumstix" computer uses
arm, and has a "toolchain" setup that allows one to
cross compile to ARM by simply specifying an option at
configure time. It works with the usual stuff. I used
it to build bash, and it worked.
I tried getting ffmpeg to work different ways but no
luck. I figured I'd get back to it later.
Likewise, TI's OMAP platform "system on a chip" uses
an ARM core. The have a prototyping kit that costs
around $300 bucks. It is a starter kit that as far as
I can tell does not have interfaces to all the
functions of the chip, but has the usual
USB/Ethernet/Serial available.
The Gumstix system is pretty small and useful. A setup
with ethernet, and a compact flash hard drive will fit
inside a pack of smokes. If I remember the spec, I
think such a unit would last a day on AA batteries.
Because of all this, ffmpeg makes a good candidate for
handling the video media functions for some as yet to
be invented PDA, embedded device, or whatever.
I'd like to see it work on the Gumstix.
Just thought I'd mention this stuff in case it helps.
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