[Ffmpeg-devel] Screen frame grabbing for Win32 platform

GISQUET Christophe christophe.gisquet
Thu Feb 1 21:47:23 CET 2007

Ramiro Polla a ?crit :
> way I'm waiting for 
> http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2007-January/051630.html 
> to send a patch for network support on Windows and fix that annoying 

What needs to be fixed? Something like:
- check for winsock2.h header (and maybe -lwsock32 / -lws2_32) in configure
- yield HAVE_WINSOCK2 or the like in config.h
- include config.h in os_support.h and be able to go through the currently 
hidden code

> It's somewhat different. At the moment, it has no error checking, and 
> does not FindWindow. Only takes the desktop. We could merge the best 
> from both...

Actually, I've sat on this code for very long, up to the point where I need to 
check if my test program (attached) actually works and if it is the latest 

With longer tests/benchmarks, I would try the hack implemented in it. If I 
remember well, it saves a GetBitmapBits (memcpy?). For instance, in your code:

>     GetDIBits( ctx->hCaptureDC, ctx->hCaptureBitmap,
>                0, ctx->bih->biHeight, pkt->data, ctx->bih,
>                DIB_RGB_COLORS );

Christophe Gisquet
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