[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add fact chunk to non-PCM wav
Michel Bardiaux
Mon Feb 12 16:20:51 CET 2007
Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi
>>>> BTW I feel that the 'assert' should be hunted down even more
>>>> ruthlessly as the dprintf. What do you think?
>>> some asserts are inappropriate they surely should be hunted down,
>>> others are valid and should not
>> I meant 'hunt assert to replace it by if+av_log+appropriate rror
>> return'. Most people 'configure' in such a way that 'assert' is a
>> nop.
> and correct asserts should never be false so a nop is all fine of
> course one checking function parameters from exported functions is
> not correct ...
I dont understand you at all, which is usually a sign I should let the
matters percolate through my dura mater for a few millenia...
> patch looks ok except that minpts should be initalized to INT64_MAX
> it does nothing otherwise
Right, and since I made my tests using PCM s8 file as input, it did not
matter because the min pts was zero anyway. Ecco.
Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
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