[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Less svn-rUNKNOWN

Michel Bardiaux mbardiaux
Mon Jun 18 15:49:53 CEST 2007

The patch will let version.sh grok the revisoion correctly when svn is 
not installed locally and the svn administrative files come from svn 
1.4. That should also fix building from the 'full checkout' snapshots.

Anyone has svn 1.2 or 1.3?

Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
T +32 [0] 2 790 29 41
F +32 [0] 2 790 29 02
E mailto:mbardiaux at mediaxim.be

Mediaxim NV/SA
Vorstlaan 191 Boulevard du Souverain
Brussel 1160 Bruxelles
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