AW: Re: Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] swscale and palette ... what am I missing?
Karl H. Beckers
Fri Mar 2 13:13:25 CET 2007
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Message: 1
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 20:10:32 +0100
From: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at>
Subject: Re: Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] swscale and palette ... what am I
To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches
<ffmpeg-devel at>
Message-ID: <20070301191031.GY25795 at MichaelsNB>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 09:56:38AM +0000, Karl H. Beckers wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 28.02.2007, 01:00 +0100 schrieb
> ffmpeg-devel-request at
> > [...]
> > > Am I missing anything obvious?
> >
> > hmm dunno, very quickly looking at your mail it looks all ok, i
> > suggest you
> > place a few random av_log() in the code to see where the non zero pal
> > becomes
> > NULL
> >
> > and of course a patch to fix this is very welcome if its a bug :)
> >
> > [...]
> Well then,
> looking at swscale_template.c seems to suggest the following (though I
> wonder how this can ever have worked in any test, but be that as it
> may):
> static int RENAME(swScale)(SwsContext *c, uint8_t* src[], int srcStride[], int srcSliceY,
> int srcSliceH, uint8_t* dst[], int dstStride[]){
> does not get the pal parameter, but sets it for consecutive functions.
> It does it here:
> if(isPacked(c->srcFormat)){
> pal= src[1];
> src[0]=
> src[1]=
> src[2]= src[0];
> srcStride[0]=
> srcStride[1]=
> srcStride[2]= srcStride[0];
> }
> since pal ist set to NULL before that, pal will never be anything else
> if we don't enter here. This raises two issues:
> 1) isPacked did non return true for PIX_FMT_PAL8
my tests where with mplayer which used _RGB8/BGR8 instead of PAL8 i think :)
and patch looks ok
> 2) the picture passed as input to sws_scale is changed.
> That is smth. you at least need to know. I was keeping the AVFrame
> structure and only loading new data into data[0] and setting data[1]
> only on the first frame, since the palette will stay the same. Because
> the above part of swScale changes data[1] on the source AVFrame to equal
> data[0] in the first call, the palette will be rubbish on the second
> call. But pal will still be valid as long as isPacked returns true.
> Is this essential, or couldn't we just leave the source AVFrame alone?
hmm are you sure the input is changed? it should be a copy of the fields
which is changed
well, rather sure, though I may have missed smth with the way the function names are transformed to find the right implementation for sws_scale.
The way I understand this is the RENAME(swScale) stuff I was quoting is the implementation that is called directly from my call to sws_scale with the params I pass there. Therefore src[] is passed as a pointer to[]. Then, if you modify src[1] you are actually modifying the pointer stored in the original[1]. Anything else would involve creating src as a new 4-element array of some pointer type and copying the elements over from the input. That I cannot find.
Also, simply fixing the pointer in[1] before each call to sws_scale fixes the issue for me.
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