[Ffmpeg-devel] More of the BeOS fixes...

François Revol revol
Thu Mar 8 20:26:52 CET 2007

This is my current diff against trunk.
The recent removal of PRI* and *INT64_C broke the BeOS build, and as 
some of you probably noticed, I got quite pissed off at it after 
cleaning the beos port for 2 weeks or so...
Yes, Haiku will get those someday, yes Zeta will likely too, but no 
BeOS R5 won't have them ever, so they are required.
As for the rest it's mostly what barpainet.h was, so it could then be 
(and no, R5 didn't have SO_SNDBUF)

As always, non constructive comments will go to /dev/null.

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