[Ffmpeg-devel] lossless video codec comparison
Måns Rullgård
Sun Mar 18 16:32:17 CET 2007
Compn <tempn at twmi.rr.com> writes:
> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 20:59:54 -0500,
> Justin Ruggles scribed:
>> Hi,
>> I stumbled upon this page today and thought I would share. It's a
>> simple speed vs. compression comparison of lossless video codecs. It
>> includes FFV1 and Snow in the tests. FFV1 is rated as the "most
>> balanced and flexible codec".
>> http://compression.ru/video/codec_comparison/lossless_codecs_2007_en.html
>> -Justin
> also take a look at lagarith codec
> http://lags.leetcode.net/codec.html
> "Lagarith offers better compression than codecs like Huffyuv,
> Alparysoft, and CorePNG. There are a few lossless codecs that can
> compress better than Lagarith, such as MSU and FFV1; however Lagarith
> tends to be faster and stabler than these codecs."
Source distributed as a RAR file... Now why does that make me
M?ns Rullg?rd
mans at mansr.com
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