[FFmpeg-devel] svn -> git step 2

Aurelien Jacobs aurel
Mon May 14 11:45:16 CEST 2007

On Mon, 14 May 2007 03:04:13 +0200
Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at> wrote:

> Hi
> thanks to mans excelent work, we have a read only git repo of ffmpeg on
> mphq, and gitweb is working too
> next steps which should be done are
> 1. we need a dummy/sandbox git repository on mphq and developers need to have
>    write access to that
> we need that dummy repo so people now and later can experiment/play with
> git push to mphq without putting the main repository at risk
> we also need it so we can ensure everything else (see below) is working
> before we switch from svn to git
> 2. commits with log message, diffstat, author and diff should be 
>    automatically mailed to ffmpeg-svnlog, this should be setup for the
>    dummy repo to ensure that it is working before we switch

Right, but maybe the mails from the test repo should be send to a
different address/list than ffmpeg-svnlog to avoid confusion ?

> 3. we need to setup a pre"push" (whatever the correct term is) check
>    script which rejects trailing whitespace and tabs
> 4. we need a short how to text describing the common git operations needed
>    similar to the relevant parts of DOCS/tech/svn-howto.txt from mplayer
>    this isnt really critical but would be nice to have ...
>    none of the existing git howtos seem to cover much beyond
>    pull and play with your local repo

There is at least one more step:
 - Including libswscale properly in the git history (and I suppose this
   won't be the easiest step).


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