[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Monkey's Audio decoder

Michael Niedermayer michaelni
Tue Sep 11 20:23:09 CEST 2007


On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 10:22:54AM +0300, Kostya wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 12:10:54AM +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 03:28:59PM +0300, Kostya wrote:
> > > Here's Monkey's Audio decoder made from libdemac by Benjamin Zores
> > > and made working by me.
> > > 
> > > Please comment on decoder/demuxer structure
> > > (ape.c is demuxer, apedec.c is decoder).
> > 
> > just a incomplete review as the code is too messy for my taste and this
> > wasnt a real submission but just RFC ...
> Now here's an updated version with most issues addressed (aligning, comments,
> some functions, extradata is also in portable format).
> And notes on design:
>   APE container resembles Musepack in the container design - data is stored
> in 32-bit little-endian words and there is no padding between frames, so
> in order to decode demuxer must read several bytes before actual start and
> send offset to decoder, which bswap()s input, skips tail of the previous frame
> and begins decoding.
>   Another distinct feature is that single frame may contain several megabytes
> of audio, which is clearly unusable. So this decoder (like demac does) decodes
> frame by 4608*channels samples. As it is impossible to detect their boundaries
> within frame data, demuxer sends first packet with frame data and then empty
> packets and decoder decodes only this fixed block of data per each call.

why does the code need these dummy packets? the application should call the
decoder again with not yet used data
the problem with your approch is that if the stuff is stream copied then the
file will be full of these dummy packets

> +/* Total size of all predictor histories - 50 * sizeof(int32_t) */
> +#define PREDICTOR_SIZE 50

not doxygen compatible

> +typedef struct APEPredictor {
> +    /* Filter histories */
> +    int32_t *buf;

also not doxygen comatible

> +    APEFilter filter_l0[2], filter_l1[2], filter_l2[2];

APEFilter filter[3][2];

> +static void init_predictor_decoder(APEContext * ctx)
> +{
> +    APEPredictor *p = &ctx->predictor;
> +
> +    /* Zero the history buffers */
> +    memset(p->historybuffer, 0, PREDICTOR_SIZE * sizeof(int32_t));
> +    p->buf = p->historybuffer;
> +
> +    /* Initialise and zero the co-efficients */
> +    memcpy(p->YcoeffsA, initial_coeffs, sizeof(initial_coeffs));
> +    memcpy(p->XcoeffsA, initial_coeffs, sizeof(initial_coeffs));
> +    memset(p->YcoeffsB, 0, sizeof(p->YcoeffsB));
> +    memset(p->XcoeffsB, 0, sizeof(p->XcoeffsB));
> +
> +    p->YfilterA = 0;
> +    p->YfilterB = 0;
> +    p->YlastA = 0;
> +
> +    p->XfilterA = 0;
> +    p->XfilterB = 0;
> +    p->XlastA = 0;

that ABXY stuff could be [0][0],[0][1],... and that could be a loop

> +static void predictor_decode_stereo(APEContext * ctx, int count)
> +{
> +    int32_t predictionA, predictionB;
> +    APEPredictor *p = &ctx->predictor;
> +    int32_t *decoded0 = ctx->decoded0;
> +    int32_t *decoded1 = ctx->decoded1;
> +
> +    while (count--) {
> +        /* Predictor Y */
> +        p->buf[YDELAYA]           = p->YlastA;
> +        p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA]     = APESIGN(p->buf[YDELAYA]);
> +        p->buf[YDELAYA - 1]       = p->buf[YDELAYA] - p->buf[YDELAYA - 1];
> +        p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 1] = APESIGN(p->buf[YDELAYA - 1]);
> +

> +        predictionA = (p->buf[YDELAYA]     * p->YcoeffsA[0]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYA - 1] * p->YcoeffsA[1]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYA - 2] * p->YcoeffsA[2]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYA - 3] * p->YcoeffsA[3]);

the () are superflous

> +
> +        /*  Apply a scaled first-order filter compression */
> +        p->buf[YDELAYB]           = p->XfilterA - ((p->YfilterB * 31) >> 5);
> +        p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB]     = APESIGN(p->buf[YDELAYB]);
> +        p->YfilterB = p->XfilterA;
> +
> +        p->buf[YDELAYB - 1]       = p->buf[YDELAYB] - p->buf[YDELAYB - 1];
> +        p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 1] = APESIGN(p->buf[YDELAYB - 1]);
> +
> +        predictionB = (p->buf[YDELAYB]     * p->YcoeffsB[0]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYB - 1] * p->YcoeffsB[1]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYB - 2] * p->YcoeffsB[2]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYB - 3] * p->YcoeffsB[3]) +
> +                      (p->buf[YDELAYB - 4] * p->YcoeffsB[4]);
> +
> +        p->YlastA = *decoded0 + ((predictionA + (predictionB >> 1)) >> 10);
> +        p->YfilterA = p->YlastA + ((p->YfilterA * 31) >> 5);
> +
> +        /* Predictor X */
> +
> +        p->buf[XDELAYA]           = p->XlastA;
> +        p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA]     = APESIGN(p->buf[XDELAYA]);
> +        p->buf[XDELAYA - 1]       = p->buf[XDELAYA] - p->buf[XDELAYA - 1];
> +        p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 1] = APESIGN(p->buf[XDELAYA - 1]);
> +
> +        predictionA = (p->buf[XDELAYA]     * p->XcoeffsA[0]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYA - 1] * p->XcoeffsA[1]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYA - 2] * p->XcoeffsA[2]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYA - 3] * p->XcoeffsA[3]);
> +
> +        /*  Apply a scaled first-order filter compression */
> +        p->buf[XDELAYB]           = p->YfilterA - ((p->XfilterB * 31) >> 5);
> +        p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB]     = APESIGN(p->buf[XDELAYB]);
> +        p->XfilterB = p->YfilterA;
> +        p->buf[XDELAYB - 1]       = p->buf[XDELAYB] - p->buf[XDELAYB - 1];
> +        p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 1] = APESIGN(p->buf[XDELAYB - 1]);
> +
> +        predictionB = (p->buf[XDELAYB]     * p->XcoeffsB[0]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYB - 1] * p->XcoeffsB[1]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYB - 2] * p->XcoeffsB[2]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYB - 3] * p->XcoeffsB[3]) +
> +                      (p->buf[XDELAYB - 4] * p->XcoeffsB[4]);
> +
> +        p->XlastA = *decoded1 + ((predictionA + (predictionB >> 1)) >> 10);
> +        p->XfilterA = p->XlastA + ((p->XfilterA * 31) >> 5);
> +
> +        if (*decoded0 > 0) {
> +            p->YcoeffsA[0] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[1] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 1];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[2] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 2];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[3] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 3];
> +
> +            p->YcoeffsB[0] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[1] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 1];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[2] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 2];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[3] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 3];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[4] -= p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 4];
> +        } else if (*decoded0 < 0) {
> +            p->YcoeffsA[0] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[1] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 1];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[2] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 2];
> +            p->YcoeffsA[3] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSA - 3];
> +
> +            p->YcoeffsB[0] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[1] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 1];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[2] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 2];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[3] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 3];
> +            p->YcoeffsB[4] += p->buf[YADAPTCOEFFSB - 4];
> +        }
> +
> +        *(decoded0++) = p->YfilterA;
> +
> +        if (*decoded1 > 0) {
> +            p->XcoeffsA[0] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[1] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 1];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[2] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 2];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[3] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 3];
> +
> +            p->XcoeffsB[0] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[1] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 1];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[2] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 2];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[3] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 3];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[4] -= p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 4];
> +        } else if (*decoded1 < 0) {
> +            p->XcoeffsA[0] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[1] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 1];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[2] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 2];
> +            p->XcoeffsA[3] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSA - 3];
> +
> +            p->XcoeffsB[0] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[1] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 1];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[2] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 2];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[3] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 3];
> +            p->XcoeffsB[4] += p->buf[XADAPTCOEFFSB - 4];
> +        }
> +
> +        *(decoded1++) = p->XfilterA;
> +

all the code above looks like its duplicated betwee X and Y

> +static void init_frame_decoder(APEContext * ctx)
> +{
> +    init_entropy_decoder(ctx);
> +    init_predictor_decoder(ctx);
> +
> +    switch (ctx->compression_level) {
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l0, ctx->filterbuf32, 16);
> +        break;
> +
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l0, ctx->filterbuf256, 64);
> +        break;
> +
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l1, ctx->filterbuf256, 256);
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l0, ctx->filterbuf32, 32);
> +        break;
> +
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l2, ctx->filterbuf1280, 1280);
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l1, ctx->filterbuf256, 256);
> +        init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter_l0, ctx->filterbuf32, 16);
> +    }

orders[4][3]={ {16,0,0}, {64,0,0}, {32,256,0}, {16,256,1280}};

i= ctx->compression_level/1000;
init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter[0], orders[i][0]);
init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter[1], orders[i][1]);
init_filter(ctx, ctx->filter[2], orders[i][2]);

and the filterbuf can be av_malloc()ed safing a few bytes in the context

> +static int ape_decode_frame(AVCodecContext * avctx,
> +                            void *data, int *data_size,
> +                            uint8_t * buf, int buf_size)
> +{
> +    APEContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
> +    int16_t *samples = data;
> +    int nblocks;
> +    int i, n;
> +    int blockstodecode;
> +
> +    if (buf_size == 0 && !s->samples) {
> +        *data_size = 0;
> +        return 0;
> +    }
> +
> +    if(buf_size > 4){
> +        s->data = av_realloc(s->data, (buf_size + 3) & ~3);
> +        s->dsp.bswap_buf(s->data, buf, buf_size >> 2);
> +        s->ptr = s->data;
> +        s->data_end = s->data + buf_size;
> +
> +        nblocks = s->samples = bytestream_get_be32(&s->ptr);

> +        n =  bytestream_get_be32(&s->ptr);
> +        s->ptr += n;

please check the validity of that

> +
> +        s->currentframeblocks = nblocks;
> +        buf += 4;
> +        if (!s->samples) {
> +            *data_size = 0;
> +            return buf_size;
> +        }
> +
> +
> +        memset(s->decoded0,  0, sizeof(s->decoded0));
> +        memset(s->decoded1,  0, sizeof(s->decoded1));
> +
> +        /* Initialize the frame decoder */
> +        init_frame_decoder(s);
> +    }
> +
> +    nblocks = s->samples;
> +    blockstodecode = FFMIN(BLOCKS_PER_LOOP, nblocks);
> +
> +    if ((s->channels == 1) || (s->frameflags & APE_FRAMECODE_PSEUDO_STEREO))
> +        ape_unpack_mono(s, blockstodecode);
> +    else
> +        ape_unpack_stereo(s, blockstodecode);
> +
> +    for (i = 0; i < blockstodecode; i++) {
> +        *samples++ = s->decoded0[i];
> +        if(s->channels == 2)
> +            *samples++ = s->decoded1[i];
> +    }

you should check that there is enough space in samples before writing
into it

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend
to be. -- Socrates
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