[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] AAC Encoder, Round 2

Gabriel Bouvigne bouvigne
Mon Aug 25 15:12:40 CEST 2008

Michael Niedermayer a ?crit :
> except that, i think the previous reviews have not been dealt with yet.
> That is the various suggestions for quality improvment should be tried
> what is better should be adopted
> Also everything that Gabriel Bouvigne suggested should be tried.

On the other hand, I think that once the general workflow is done, and 
most important the interfaces to allow evolution of psymodel/encoder, it 
should be commited.
There are many places were alternative strategies could be tryed within 
audio encoders, but I think that a good workflow is in the current case 
quite important, even if algorithms might be perfected latter. Commiting 
this would allows easier acces to potentially interested people 
(although, based on experience, you won't seen many people actually 
providing any patch), and would probably allow other contributors to 
better check if the psymodel interface could suit their codecs.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

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