[FFmpeg-devel] LinuxTag 2008
Robert Swain
Wed Feb 6 01:30:44 CET 2008
On 05/02/2008, Roberto Togni <rxt at rtogni.it> wrote:
> Also this year, MPlayer and FFmpeg developer are getting ready to apply
> for a booth at LinuxTag.
> The event will be in Berlin (Germany) form May 28 to 31 (same place
> as last year).
> Are you interested to attend, as an exhibitor or a visitor? Please let
> us know now!
> As usual we're extending the invitation to all media player projects,
> so if you know other related applications please forward this message
> to all interested people.
> For more information contact me or M?ns; if you want to help with the
> organization subscribe to our mailinglist at
> https://lists.mplayerhq.hu/mailman/listinfo/linuxtag
Possibly worthy of note is that the organisers weren't too pleased
with us (MPlayer and FFmpeg) having large booths and setting up tables
at which people could sit to do hacking when not much was happening.
This was due to the rental costs of the space. Unfortunately, unlike
FOSDEM, they don't seem to offer open dev rooms for people to
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