[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Escape 130 (RPL) WIP

Eli Friedman eli.friedman
Sun Mar 30 09:41:49 CEST 2008

Per subject, WIP patch for Escape 130.  Only partially working at the
moment: some images are recognizable, but with lots of multi-colored
artifacts.  I'm reasonably confident that I'm parsing the bitstream
correctly, since with this sort of codec, a small mistake tends to
lead to complete garbage.

This patch doesn't need a review at this point; I'm well aware it's a
complete mess.  My biggest question at the moment is whether decoding
to YUV420P is appropriate for this format.  Both the wiki page and the
reverse-engineered spec make some comments about the codec doing some
parts in RGB, but I'm not sure how significant that is; the RGB
adjustments described in the spec are probably invisible.

I have a few theories for the cause(s) of the artifacts: one, there
could be a bug in the spec I'm working from, or in the tables in the
spec.  Two, I could have misinterpreted the spec somehow, or
incorrectly converted the tables.  Three, I made some stupid mistake
that I just haven't spotted yet.   It would be nice if someone figured
out the cause of the artifacts; I'm not really expecting anything,
though.  There are definitely errors in the Y plane; with that being
the case, it's hard to tell whether there are also artifacts in the Cb
and Cr planes.

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