[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] AAC decoder

Robert Swain robert.swain
Wed May 28 13:37:04 CEST 2008

2008/5/26 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>:
> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 12:42:37PM +0100, Robert Swain wrote:
>> The tables are still different as intensity uses pow(0.5, (i-100)/4.)
>> and the other cases use pow(2.0, (i-100)/4.).
> pow(0.5, (i-100)/4.) == pow(2.0, (100-i)/4.)
> and
> pow(2.0, (100-i)/4.) / 1024 == pow(2.0, (100-i)/4.-10) ==pow(2.0, (100-i-40)/4.)
> possibly these allow the 2 tables to be merged, i mean
> pow2sf_tab[i] and intensity_tab[i]
> to
> pow2sf_tab[i+C] and pow2sf_tab[-i]

OK, I've thought about this a bit more. I think either sf_scale should
be 'applied' just before downmixing/float_to_int16 conversion as in
ac3dec.c or sf_scale can effectively be merged into this table almost
entirely thanks to being representable as a power of 2 in either the C
or SIMD float_to_int16 case.

>From what I see there are 3 cases.

- intensity table:
  pow(0.5, (i-100)/4) = pow(2, (100-i)/4)
  which would have indices [100-255, 100-0] = [-155, 100]

- sf table when sf_scale is -1/1024:
  pow(2, (i-100)/4) * -pow(2, -10) = -pow(2, (i-140)/4)
  ignoring the sign issue, it would have indices [0-140, 255-140] = [-140, 115]

- sf table when sf_scale is -1/(1024*32768):
  pow(2, (i-100)/4) * -pow(2, -25) = -pow(2, (i-200)/4)
  [0-200, 255-200] = [-200, 55]

So, the range of indices into the table should be [-200, 115],
sf_scale can be replaced by a constant integer offset into the table
and we handle the signs with a little branching or something. Does
that sound like a good idea? Any suggestions for alterations before I
implement it?


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