[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add versioning information to dlls

Jeremy Kolb jkolb
Fri May 30 20:39:14 CEST 2008

Diego Biurrun wrote:
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:47:56AM -0400, Jeremy Kolb wrote:
>> [...]
> Since an updated patch is required anyway...
>> --- configure	(revision 13538)
>> +++ configure	(working copy)
>> @@ -2216,3 +2221,64 @@
>> +
>> +# Build DLL Configuration for Windows.
> configuration
>> +    license_str="This FFmpeg build is distributed under the terms of the GNU $license.\r\n"
>> +    test "$license" = "unredistributable" &&
>> +        license_str="This FFmpeg build contains non-free code and is not legally redistributable.\r\n"
> Why do you add \r\n here?  The other VALUE lines in the .rc file do not
> seem to require it.
It makes the output cleaner when right clicking on the DLL and looking 
at the versioning information.  It inserts a linebreak making the line 
about finding the source easier to find.

> Diego

Ok try this.  I also added version.h to CLEANFILES so that a make clean 
will remove it from the subdirectories.

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