[FFmpeg-devel] GSoC Qual VQA v3 : updated patch.

The Deep Explorer thedeepexplorer
Mon Apr 13 18:31:16 CEST 2009

> The patch consists of 95% cosmetics.  Nobody will want to review it.

Can you please elaborate what is this cosmetics you are referring to ?

-static inline void vqa_debug(const char *format, ...) { }
+static inline void vqa_debug(const char *format, ...)

If you are talking of things like these, I did not do it :( , I used
the indent tool...I guess it did that , not me :(

I wrote the vptr decode, the cbfz , modified the format80 ( though
this was just two lines)
and am catching the proper tags and all.

If you give me some definitive pointers, I am more than willing to
work and improve on it.
If you want me to remove , I will just run through the diff and revert
to the old style...


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