[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add support for muxing timed text in mov/mp4/3gp
David Conrad
Sun Jan 11 08:26:29 CET 2009
This adds support for muxing timed text in mov/mp4/3gp. For the iPod
mode it works slightly different ("sbtl" rather than "text" for the
media type) which is the only way iPods recognize it, also causing
QuickTime to treat it very differently than standard timed text
(mainly ignoring most style elements and requiring different
dimensions.) I don't think it's worth making a new CODEC_ID for this
variant though.
Also, 3GPP TS 26.245 says to use a null media handler (nmhd) but that
doesn't work for .mov for QuickTime, thus the generic media handler
(gmhd) for .mov.
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