[FFmpeg-devel] gsoc application

Mike Melanson mike
Mon Mar 30 04:50:54 CEST 2009

The Deep Explorer wrote:
> Hi,
>    can anyone point me to a template/format for a successful ffmpeg
> application ?
> As I work on my qualification task, I would like to just get the
> application done as well.

A little secret: We don't care that much about the content of your 
application. Just write some nonsense but make a decent effort to make 
it look good. That will make Google happy.

We will be judging you primarily on this qualification task. That will 
test the stuff we really care about.

> Are patches going to be considered beyond the April 3?

Absolutely. According to the timeline, it looks like roughly April 14 
will be our deadline since all student-mentor matches must be made by 
April 15.

> I have got stuck on the specs on VQA v3 and it is taking sometime
> going back and forth for inputs. Look forward to help on that issue.

Looks like you have some more time.

     -Mike Melanson

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