[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add DPX decoder

Jimmy Christensen jimmy
Mon May 11 06:55:04 CEST 2009

On 2009-05-07 17:45, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 09:04:56AM +0200, Jimmy Christensen wrote:
>> On 2009-05-06 18:54, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 05:04:50PM +0200, Jimmy Christensen wrote:
>>>> On 2009-05-06 14:27, Jimmy Christensen wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Added DPX decoder codec. Only support 10-bit and does no log to lin
>>>>> conversion, which means it only supports linear DPX files. Have tested
>>>>> with DPX files from various software and it seems to work ok with them.
>>>>> Based largely on the TGA decoder.
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Hopefully all formatting issues should be solved now.
>>>> Didn't mean to take up all of everyone's time educating me :)
>>>> Changed format to rgb24 instead of rgb32, since 10bit DPX files can never
>>>> have alpha channels. Ofcourse discarding 2 bit is unwanted, but is seems
>>>> that RGB48 is not well supported at the moment.
>>> this may very well be, but it still doesnt make rgb24 an acceptable choice
>> So what would you suggest? Change it to RGB48
> yes
>> and add support for RGB48 in
>> swScaler?
> thats a seperate thing and patch and is welcome as well, also note IIRC theres
> a unfinished patch laying around somewhere ...
>> The only output possible of RGB48 input is RGB48, which is only
>> supported by the pnm encoder AFAIK.
> if RGB48 support is added to sws then all outputs would be supported
> [...]

I gave it some thought and you are absolutely right. As it seems RGB48 
is around the corner anyway (trying the patch atm.) RGB48 would 
definately be the best and only option. It also solves another problem. 
DPX log/lin conversion. With RGB48 support log/lin conversion could be 
done by a regular avfilter on the 48-bit buffer, instead of have to be 
done in the codec itself. The flags in the DPX files whether they are 
log or lin are not always reliable anyway.

Have made another revision on the patch and will post it soon.

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