[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] wmapro decoder

Vitor Sessak vitor1001
Wed Sep 2 19:53:47 CEST 2009

Sascha Sommer wrote:
> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 1. September 2009, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 09:55:25PM +0200, Sascha Sommer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>>> +    uint32_t         frame_num;                     ///< current
>>>>> frame number
>>>> unused
>>> It is used for error output and some debugging messages. Does it waste
>>> too many resources?
>> no, but fields of structs that are unused in the decoding process should be
>> documented as such IMHO
> Done.
>>>>> +            /** save transmitted scale factors so that they can be
>>>>> reused for +                the next subframe */
>>>>> +            memcpy(s->channel[c].saved_scale_factors,
>>>>> +                   s->channel[c].scale_factors, s->num_bands *
>>>>> +                   sizeof(*s->channel[c].saved_scale_factors));
>>>> what happens with s->channel[c].scale_factors so that it cant just be
>>>> used?
>>> The saved scale factors might be resampled for several subframes before
>>> some new values are transmitted and saved_scale_factors is updated.
>>> If the resampled scale factors would be used for the resampling, the
>>> output would change. Therefore two buffers are needed.
>> understood, please document this though, also isnt it possible to just
>> exchange 2 pointers instead of a memcpy?
> I documented it. Is the attached pointer exchange code ok or did you have 
> something different in mind?
>> [..]
>>> New patch attached...
>> except above, iam ok with the patch
> Ok. Commited with the mentioned changes.
> Thanks to you and everyone else who helped me to get this code into SVN.

Great! Patch to ffmpeg.org/trunk/src/index missing ;)


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