[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Use correct buffers in vertical scaler in unscaled YV12 case.

Ramiro Polla ramiro.polla
Wed Sep 16 22:11:04 CEST 2009


This was causing the output image to start from the second row in the
input image in vertically unscaled conversions where vLumBufSize was
adjusted to be greater than vLumFilterSize.

For example this conversion from swscale-example:
- yuv420p 96x96 -> yuv410p   64x  96 flags=16 SSD=  183,   51,   46,    0
+ yuv420p 96x96 -> yuv410p   64x  96 flags=16 SSD=    5,   51,   46,    0

Ramiro Polla
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Name: 0001-Use-correct-buffers-in-vertical-scaler-in-unscaled-Y.patch
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