[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 11/12] WMAPRO: use vector_fmul_matrix()

Mans Rullgard mans
Sun Sep 27 12:49:27 CEST 2009

 libavcodec/wmaprodec.c |   27 +++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/wmaprodec.c b/libavcodec/wmaprodec.c
index ac559a4..e483733 100644
--- a/libavcodec/wmaprodec.c
+++ b/libavcodec/wmaprodec.c
@@ -956,36 +956,23 @@ static void inverse_channel_transform(WMAProDecodeCtx *s)
             float data[WMAPRO_MAX_CHANNELS];
             const int num_channels = s->chgroup[i].num_channels;
             float** ch_data = s->chgroup[i].channel_data;
-            float** ch_end = ch_data + num_channels;
             const int8_t* tb = s->chgroup[i].transform_band;
             int16_t* sfb;
             /** multichannel decorrelation */
             for (sfb = s->cur_sfb_offsets;
                  sfb < s->cur_sfb_offsets + s->num_bands; sfb++) {
+                int len = FFMIN(sfb[1], s->subframe_len) - sfb[0];
                 int y;
                 if (*tb++ == 1) {
                     /** multiply values with the decorrelation_matrix */
-                    for (y = sfb[0]; y < FFMIN(sfb[1], s->subframe_len); y++) {
-                        const float* mat = s->chgroup[i].decorrelation_matrix;
-                        const float* data_end = data + num_channels;
-                        float* data_ptr = data;
-                        float** ch;
-                        for (ch = ch_data; ch < ch_end; ch++)
-                            *data_ptr++ = (*ch)[y];
-                        for (ch = ch_data; ch < ch_end; ch++) {
-                            float sum = 0;
-                            data_ptr = data;
-                            while (data_ptr < data_end)
-                                sum += *data_ptr++ * *mat++;
-                            (*ch)[y] = sum;
-                        }
-                    }
+                    const float* mat = s->chgroup[i].decorrelation_matrix;
+                    float *chp[WMAPRO_MAX_CHANNELS];
+                    for (y = 0; y < num_channels; y++)
+                        chp[y] = ch_data[y] + sfb[0];
+                    s->dsp.vector_fmul_matrix(chp, mat, len, num_channels,
+                                              data);
                 } else if (s->num_channels == 2) {
-                    int len = FFMIN(sfb[1], s->subframe_len) - sfb[0];
                     s->dsp.vector_fmul_scalar(ch_data[0] + sfb[0],
                                               ch_data[0] + sfb[0],
                                               181.0 / 128, len);

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