[FFmpeg-devel] Access to previous packet in muxer

Tobias Bindhammer tobias.bindhammer
Thu Aug 26 10:26:01 CEST 2010


is there any easy way to access the previous packet of AVPacket *pkt
inside the muxer's write_packet(), or do i need to clone it on my own
via the av_new_packet (and further functions) and hold it within my
muxer context?



Dipl. Ing. Tobias Bindhammer
Institut f?r Verteilte Systeme
Oberer Eselsberg          Phone: + 49 731/502-4235
Universit?t Ulm           Fax  : + 49 731/502-4142
D-89069 Ulm               mailto:tobias.bindhammer at uni-ulm.de

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