[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] RTP depacketizer for QCELP
Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet
Wed Dec 1 17:40:05 CET 2010
On 12/01/2010 07:32 AM, Martin Storsj? wrote:
>>> +static PayloadContext *qcelp_new_context(void)
>>> +{
>>> + return av_mallocz(sizeof(PayloadContext));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void qcelp_free_context(PayloadContext *data)
>>> +{
>>> + av_free(data);
>>> +}
>> Dunno what others might think but I'd just use av_mallocz/av_free
>> when needed.
> Uhm, could you repeat this, a bit more verbosely? I don't really
> understand what the issue here would be.
Sure, those functions serve no purpose but to wrap av_free/av_mallocz
hence I'd just call av_free/av_mallocz directly and avoid the needles
> What do you or others think about shortening those function names, btw?
> Would ff_rtp_handler_find_by_name be better? Or with semi-hierarchical
> naming, ff_rtp_find_handler_by_name?
I'd go with the former.
Keep up the good work!
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