[FFmpeg-devel] IEC61937 compatible muxer
Wed Feb 10 22:18:36 CET 2010
On Tue, 9 Feb 2010 10:05:17 +0000 (UTC), Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Bartlomiej Wolowiec <bartek.wolowiec <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> [4 quoted lines suppressed]
> Did anybody ever test this (successfully)?
> With the exact command line (and a dts and an ac3 sample), I get
> "av_interleaved_write_frame(): Error while opening file" both with latest svn and
> {2009-08-22}. mplayer -ac hwac3 and -ac hwdts both work fine.
> (And issue1735 might address the same problem.)
> Carl Eugen
Not through ffmpeg program, but we are using the muxer in xbmc at the
moment. There is one odd quirk in it thou. The write header function writes
a bunch of zeroes to the stream before the data.
The way we use it is writeheader/writedata/writetrailer for each decode
packet (suspect this might not be correct), which prefixes each packet
which a bunch of zeroes.
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