[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] FLIC demuxer fix for the first two X-COM games (also adds audio)

Tomas Härdin tomas.hardin
Fri Feb 26 10:05:00 CET 2010

Good morning

Last christmas I reverse-engineered the video format used in the first
two X-COM games ("UFO: Enemy Unknown" and "X-COM: Terror from the
Deep"). It turned out to simply be normal FLIC files with extra audio
chunks. This patch detects the presence of such a chunk at the start of
the file, and adds a 22050 Hz mono 8-bit audio stream in that case. It
also calculates the proper framerate, since these videos appear to have
been created in a two-step process (audio added later, thus altering the
frame rate).

In order to detect these videos I had to peek at the first preamble in
the file, which means reading and rewinding six bytes. This should
hopefully not be a problem since I'm fairly sure ByteIOContext has a
small buffer for these sort of things. A similar trick is used in the
Magic Carpet case, so I've figured it's OK anyway.

Regarding audio, the code assumes all audio chunks contain the same
number of samples and sets block_align accordingly. One final thing is
that these audio chunks have an extra 10 B header not accounted for in
the chunk header, which caused the old demuxer to "derail".

I ran the regression test for good measure. They still pass. Samples
uploaded to incoming/xcom/ (*.VID). Works for all five videos in the
second game, but I haven't been able to test it on those in the first

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