[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Enable proper IPv6 functions on windows

Måns Rullgård mans
Tue Jan 12 14:05:13 CET 2010

Martin Storsj? <martin at martin.st> writes:

> Hi,
> The attached patches enable usage of the proper IPv6 enabled 
> getaddrinfo/getnameinfo on windows, by disabling backwards compatibility 
> with anything prior to Windows XP. This was OK'd by Ronald earlier.
> Ramiro, is this ok with you, too?
> M?ns/Diego: Which of the patches do you prefer - unconditionally setting 
> the -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 cflag and then testing for getaddrinfo, or 
> temporarily setting it and only enabling it if there's some use for it?

I prefer Ramiro's idea of always setting that flag on Windows.

M?ns Rullg?rd
mans at mansr.com

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