[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Extend show_pix_fmts() to make it print the input/output support
Stefano Sabatini
Sat Jan 30 16:54:08 CET 2010
Hi, as in subject.
Resulting output looks like:
name nb_channels depth is_alpha input output
yuv420p 3 8 n y y
yuyv422 1 8 n y y
rgb24 3 8 n y y
bgr24 3 8 n y y
yuv422p 3 8 n y y
yuv444p 3 8 n y y
yuv410p 3 8 n y y
yuv411p 3 8 n y y
gray 1 8 n y y
monow 1 1 n y y
monob 1 1 n y y
pal8 4 8 y y n
yuvj420p 3 8 n n n
yuvj422p 3 8 n n n
yuvj444p 3 8 n n n
xvmcmc 0 0 n n n
xvmcidct 0 0 n n n
uyvy422 1 8 n y y
uyyvyy411 1 8 n n n
bgr8 1 8 n y y
bgr4 1 4 n n y
bgr4_byte 1 8 n y y
rgb8 1 8 n y y
rgb4 1 4 n n y
rgb4_byte 1 8 n y y
nv12 2 8 n y y
This can be parsed to get the list of input/output format with
something of the kind:
$(ffplay -pix_fmts | egrep '[[:alnum:]_]+ +[[:digit:]] +[[:digit:]]+ +[yn] +[y]+ +[yn]' | cut -f1 -d" ")
$(ffplay -pix_fmts | egrep '[[:alnum:]_]+ +[[:digit:]] +[[:digit:]]+ +[yn] +[yn]+ +[y]' | cut -f1 -d" ")
BTW also better would be to have somthing of the type:
IOA argb 4 8
FFmpeg = Forgiving Fancy Maxi Portable Elaborated Gangster
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