[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] libavfilter audio API and related issues
Måns Rullgård
Sat Jul 10 13:39:23 CEST 2010
Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it> writes:
>> 3. The current output sample format is always forced to S16. The
>> channel layout conversion filters after this all assume that the
>> individual samples are shorts. This needs to be fixed right? For
>> example, I was thinking of changing stereo_to_mono function so it
>> accepts an extra stride parameter and uses that to do its job
>> irrespective of whether inputs are shorts (S16) or otherwise. Is
>> this ok?
> Yes and yes, and I would like to hear someone which worked extensively
> with the audio API to say which are the potential problems/warts to
> keep in mind for such an implementation.
> Resuming:
> * audioconvert.h/audioconvert.c:
> struct AVAudioConvert
> generic sample and channel layout API
> av_audio_convert* API, supports up to 6 channels
This interface is mostly good. The implementation, however, is
abysmally slow. It is on my much-too-long todo list to fix this.
Help would be appreciated.
> * avcodec.h/resample.c
> struct ReSampleContext
> audio_resample_init() - deprecated
> av_audio_resample_init()
> audio_resample()
> audio_resample_close()
I thought this was meant to be deprecated and replaced with the one below.
> * avcodec.h/resample2.c
> struct AVResampleContext
> av_resample_init()
> av_resample_close()
> av_resample_compensate()
> av_resample()
This a high-quality resampler which even has a (compile-time)
"audiophile kiddy mode".
If keeping the old one for speed reasons is desired, the fast
resamplers should be moved behind the same interface as the
high-quality ones. This would of course require adding a parameter to
av_resample_init() for choosing the algorithm, much like swscale has.
> Can someone say which is the main difference between the various APIs
> and what's the plan for their support (i.e. which is going to be
> deprecated in the future?).
> This API seems to need anyway some (major?) rework, I already proposed
> some time ago to create a separate lib for this (libavresample -
> lavre?), which would have a role similar to that of libswscale.
That might make sense. It's not a decision we have to make
immediately though.
>> I still need to fix nits etc in af_resample. Will do those when
>> finishing the channel layout conversion.
> For the moment I believe that we need to focus on getting the first
> simple version of the audio framework in place, then we will hopefully
> work through the audio resampling framework current limitations.
Fully agree. I would leave resampling alone for now. There is plenty
of work to be done on a generic audio framework, from defining structs
to represent audio packets through to generic audio support in
M?ns Rullg?rd
mans at mansr.com
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