[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] lavfi audio framework
S.N. Hemanth Meenakshisundaram
Sat Jul 31 19:43:53 CEST 2010
On 07/30/2010 01:29 AM, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> On date Thursday 2010-07-22 01:18:36 -0700, S.N. Hemanth Meenakshisundaram encoded:
>> [...]
>> static AVFilter *registered_avfilters[MAX_REGISTERED_AVFILTERS_NB + 1];
>> diff --git a/libavfilter/avfilter.h b/libavfilter/avfilter.h
>> index a9bec02..faeb3b6 100644
>> --- a/libavfilter/avfilter.h
>> +++ b/libavfilter/avfilter.h
>> @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
>> #include <stddef.h>
>> #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
>> +#include "libavcodec/audioconvert.h"
>> /**
>> * Return the LIBAVFILTER_VERSION_INT constant.
>> @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ typedef struct AVFilterPad AVFilterPad;
>> */
>> typedef struct AVFilterBuffer
>> {
>> - uint8_t *data[8]; ///< buffer data for each plane
>> + uint8_t *data[8]; ///< buffer data for each plane/channel
>> int linesize[8]; ///< number of bytes per line
>> int format; ///< media format
>> @@ -130,6 +131,32 @@ static inline void avfilter_copy_picref_props(AVFilterPicRef *dst, AVFilterPicRe
>> }
>> /**
>> + * A reference to an AVFilterBuffer for audio. Since filters can manipulate the
>> + * origin of an audio buffer to, for example, reduce precision without any memcpy,
>> + * sample format and channel_layout are per-reference properties. Sample step is
>> + * also useful when reducing the number of channels, etc, and so is also per-reference.
>> + */
>> +typedef struct AVFilterSamplesRef
>> +{
>> + AVFilterBuffer *samples; ///< the audio buffer that this is a reference to
>> + uint8_t *data[8]; ///< audio data for each channel
>> + int linesize[8]; ///< number of bytes to next sample
>> + int64_t pts; ///< presentation timestamp in units of 1/AV_TIME_BASE
>> +
>> + int64_t channel_layout; ///< channel layout of current buffer
>> + int64_t sample_rate; ///< samples per second
>> + enum SampleFormat sample_fmt; ///< sample format
>> +
>> + int samples_nb; ///< number of samples in this buffer
>> + /* Should this go here or in the AVFilterBuffer struct? */
>> + int size; ///< size of buffer
>> +
>> + int perms; ///< permissions
>> +
>> + int planar; ///< is buffer planar or packed
>> +} AVFilterSamplesRef;
> The alternative here if we don't want to duplicate the generic fields:
> AVFilterBuffer -> actually contains the data
> AVFilterBufferRef[erence] in place of AVFilterSamplesRef and
> AVFilterSamplesPic.
> Then we may share the common fields (perms, size, pts, buffer, data,
> linesize), use a media type field and put the media specific stuff in
> an union.
> This requires more work to re-adapt the patch, but will avoid evil
> code duplication.
> Michael?
> Same technique may be used for AVFilterLink.
> [...]
> Regards.
I noticed that sample_rate is only an int or uint32_t in other places,
will change it in lavfi too to uint32_t. Also 'int format' can be moved
from AVFilterBuffer to AVFilterPicRef since SamplesRef already has it
and only two filters (vsrc_buffer and vf_overlay) need to be changed to
use format field in PicRef instead of AVFilterBuffer.
Also I need to add pos to AVFilterSamplesRef.
With those two changes, things should fit nicely into unions and making
AVFilterBufferRef will be simpler.
pic/samples, data, linesize, format, pts, pos and perms common,
AVRational pixel_aspect(2 integers) in PicRef and channel layout (int64)
in SamplesRef forming a union,
4 other ints in PicRef (w, h, interlaced, top_field_first) and 4 ints in
SamplesRef (samples_nb, size, planar and sample_rate).
Can I go ahead with this?
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