[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Use SLIBSUF instead of .so in vf_frei0r
Víctor Paesa
Sun Oct 3 11:50:46 CEST 2010
2010/10/2 V?ctor Paesa:
> Hi,
> 2010/9/28 V?ctor Paesa:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 22:37, ?smail D?nmez wrote:
>>> Hi;
>>> 2010/9/27 V?ctor Paesa
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 19:49, ?smail D?nmez wrote:
>>>> > On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 8:48 PM, ?smail D?nmez ?wrote:
>>>> >> Hi;
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 2010/9/27 V?ctor Paesa:
>>>> >>>> Is this correct on macos too? ?That is, are the plugins named *.dylib there?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Yes: the frei0r maillist shows a "../../lib/frei0r-1/distort0r.dylib"
>>>> >>> in a darwin context.
>>>> >>> http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.frei0r.devel/month=20050701
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> So at least one person uses .dylib plugins.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> It produces *.so files SnowLeopard, just tried latest git. This is
>>>> >> obviously wrong though.
>>>> >
>>>> > in SnowLeopard*
>>>> Were the .so produced by ./configure && make
>>>> or by cmake . && make ?
>>> I tried cmake since you said automake would be produce *.so files.
>> Since my bet on cmake was wrong, could you please try the autotools method?
>> This *might* produce the ".dylib" files, but won't install them due to
>> the ".so" hardcode.
> I found some old references that frei0r plugins are dylib:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/ptolemy-hackers at bennett.eecs.berkeley.edu/msg00488.html
> http://freej.dyne.org/codedoc/plugger_8cpp_source.html
> But recent code of MLT, frej also hardcodes the frei0r plugin suffix as ".so"
> I agree with ?smail: ".so" is wrong and I believe the extension in
> MacOS should be ".dylib"
> Since the ffmpeg way is "to do the right thing", and not to perpetuate errors
> (in this case in external projects), I will apply my patch as is, this Sunday.
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