[FFmpeg-devel] [MPlayer-legal] [VOTE] New root crew for mphq and new projectleader for FFmpeg
Stefano Sabatini
Mon Oct 4 00:52:12 CEST 2010
On date Sunday 2010-10-03 21:04:44 +0200, Luca Barbato encoded:
> On 10/03/2010 07:52 PM, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> >Also it should be in control of the project leader to decide when to
> >suspend commit rights, it's reasonable to warn at the first violation
> >(yellow card?) and to suspend the second time for a variable period
> >(e.g. from three days to two months depending on the decision of the
> >project leader or on the type of violation). Such suspension shouldn't
> >preclude the possibility to continue to contribute/discuss in other
> >ways (e.g. by sending patches, posts or by reviewing patches).
> Given that the main issue at hand is that the is the feeling that
> either root or "the leader" abused their options this is the worst
> possible suggestion.
Much of this discussion started because there was a violation of the
policy from the root. While I personally trust and have great
admiration for the person and the work of Mans and I have no doubt
that he did the thankless job of root in the best possible way, I
believe he should step back from that role at least for some time,
especially considering that he declared that he distrusts Michael, and
since in the past he used his position against the policy and against
the will of the project leader, which leaded to further flamewars and
a loss in the image and credibility of the project.
This of course doesn't imply that he should step back as a developer
(which noone ever wanted and which would be a great loss), neither
that his write permissions as committer should be revoked.
On the other hand Michael has been quite explicit about his will to
renounce to some of the controversial prerogatives that he had and
which leaded to those violations, but again at least from my reading
there was no policy violation from his part. (BTW we should update the
written policy.)
> Regarding the external root as neutral party I think the main
> problem is that a root should be trusted, you don't trust unknown
> people and usually you know people because is involved in the
> project so we have a chicken egg problem ^^;
Ideally the root should be someone not directly involved in the
development of the project for avoiding interests conflict, but at the
same time trusted by the leader and by the other developers, being
this hardly achievable I believe it is fine to choose from the
developers and/or to elect them periodically (e.g. every two years).
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