[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/3] State that the policy should not be changed without public discussion.

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos
Sun Oct 10 18:22:22 CEST 2010

Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala <at> poste.it> writes:

> > > +   Do not change the development policy or or the behavior of the programs
> > > +   (renaming or removing or changing or adding options etc) or public
> > >     API or ABI without first discussing it on the ffmpeg-devel mailing
> > > list.
> > >     Do not remove functionality from the code. Just improve!
> > 
> > I'm mildly against this:
> > It makes this sentence even more difficult to read (note that I originally
> > did not want to add API and API to this item).
> So please elaborate and say how it can be improved.

I'm just trying to say it should not be worsened.

> > Additionally, there is no reason for this change: Diego claimed that this has
> > happened before, but as said, this is not true.
> The fact that there was no violation of this never-written rule
> doesn't imply that to write it down is not a good idea.

I believe like our on-going discussion proves reliably that many developers did
not understand the current policy, so why make it even more complicated?

Carl Eugen

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