[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] About committership

Tobias Bindhammer tobias.bindhammer
Wed Feb 2 19:18:35 CET 2011

> I'm more than willing to discuss this privately, in a private email
> discussion or IRC or phone conversation or a coffee.

Well, discussing it public would have the advantage to document results 
properly. Of course it affords more wisely choosen words and what is 
said, is said, so one has to be more brave as well. If you want private 
conversation however, feel free to contact me, my contact information is 
public. Coffee offers of course the best circumstances for a 
well-behaved discussion, but within an international team it gets kind 
of difficult. E-Mail is thus usually the best way, as one can at least 
read and answer in a calm moment and care about normal life and work 

> But no more public trollwars.

Don't consider me being a troll, i just want to understand things well 
and thus ask for details. But i think it was anyway not directed to me, 
but just so you know.


Dipl. Ing. Tobias Bindhammer
Institut f?r Verteilte Systeme
Oberer Eselsberg          Phone: + 49 731/502-4235
Universit?t Ulm           Fax  : + 49 731/502-4142
D-89069 Ulm               mailto:tobias.bindhammer at uni-ulm.de

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