[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] MinGW+FFmpeg survival guide
Stefano Sabatini
stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it
Wed Jun 22 23:45:14 CEST 2011
On date Wednesday 2011-06-22 21:20:34 +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos encoded:
> Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala <at> poste.it> writes:
> > In particular I'm facing this issue when compiling FFmpeg+libsdl,
> > sdl-config/pkg-config return the -mwindows flag, which disables
> > logging to stderr, which is pretty annoying.
> Thank you, that is a very useful hint!
Well so are you confirming that I'm not the only one facing the issue?
(and why nobody complained before?)
I don't know why the SDL guys added that in the first place, but maybe
we should filter-out the flag (or try to get some explanation/help
from upstream).
> [...]
> > +* fix the HOME variable, so that it will point to
> > + $MINGW_PATH/msys/1.0/home/$USER
> That wasn't necessary for me, but probably doesn't hurt.
Only required if you install MSysGit, it will tweak the HOME variable.
> [...]
> > +Once you download and extract the *source* package
> ^^^^^^
> Why? They provide a fine mingw binary package.
Uhm I missed that.
> [...]
> > +lib.exe
> I did not need this...
> (Is it the reason for the reported linking problem?)
How did you manage to create the DLLs then? AFAIK that's required for
creating DLLs.
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