[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] configure: try to use pkg-config to find libopenjpeg
Johannes Nixdorf
mixi at shadowice.org
Sun Dec 16 19:55:15 CET 2012
With this patch configure actually fails if openjpeg isn't found.
-------------- next part --------------
>From 9f06ff99490aea3111829c30ca088786dfe74530 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Nixdorf <mixi at exherbo.org>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 16:02:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] configure: try to use pkg-config to find libopenjpeg
Beginning with version 1.5.1 openjpeg defaults to install its headers to
/usr/include/openjpeg-${major}.${minor} instead of /usr/include making
the old test fail.
Instead of guessing the openjpeg major and minor versions we use
pkg-config for newer openjpeg versions.
For older versions (<1.4.0) we continue to use the old test as the .pc
file was added in version 1.4.0 and ffmpeg still works for these versions.
configure | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index a50d073..e1e24f6 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -3837,7 +3837,11 @@ enabled libnut && require libnut libnut.h nut_demuxer_init -lnut
enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config opencv opencv/cxcore.h cvCreateImageHeader
-enabled libopenjpeg && require libopenjpeg openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg
+enabled libopenjpeg && { { check_pkg_config libopenjpeg openjpeg.h opj_version &&
+ add_cflags $libopenjpeg_cflags &&
+ add_extralibs $libopenjpeg_libs; } ||
+ check_lib libopenjpeg openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg ||
+ die "ERROR: libopenjpeg not found"; }
enabled libopus && require_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
enabled libpulse && require_pkg_config libpulse-simple pulse/simple.h pa_simple_new
enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
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