[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] logos
Alexander Strasser
eclipse7 at gmx.net
Tue Mar 27 15:34:00 CEST 2012
Thilo Borgmann wrote:
> Am 27.03.12 00:38, schrieb Alexander Strasser:
> > Thilo Borgmann wrote:
> >>
> >>> Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> >>>> We have a spring logo at:
> >>>> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7204204
> >>>> should we put it up? if yes from when to when ?
> >>>
> >>> IMHO at least the winter logo should be put down soon. I didn't
> >>> yet look at all these spring versions.
> >>
> >> I kind of dislike the font in these spring versions but that's hardly an
> >> objection if anyone wants them in.
> >
> > I kind of agree. I still think we should use it though. It will be switched
> > again in summer anyway.
> >
> > I have cropped and scaled the image and prepared a patch for the web page.
> > Both can be found under trac ticket #1136. If someone thinks the new banner
> > background color doesn't fit with the h1 headings, we could change their color
> > too. (IMHO it is not needed, but everybody sees things with different eyes/
> > on different displays.)
> For my eyes a plain white banner background should be least distractive with
> most logos to come. Otherwise I'm fine with it.
I found the green a bit more fresh for the spring look and the colorful
banner. Did you have a look at both? My suggestion and your proposal of a
white background? I looked at all before making my choice of proposal (the
third is the current version) and found the green background most pleasing
in combination with the spring logo, followed by the white background as
version you suggested.
Also note that it is not possible with the spring logo layout to not
modify the img width/height attributes. So that will have to be changed
back and forth anyway. I don't know if just omitting those attributes
would also be a solution.
IIUC you are our homepage banner/logo maintainer now, so please feel free
to decide yourself :P
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