[FFmpeg-devel] HLS improvements

Stefano Sabatini stefasab at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 16:34:12 CEST 2013

On date Wednesday 2013-08-21 20:27:53 +1000, Andrew Sinclair encoded:
> Hi Guys,
> Is anyone interested in working with me to make some improvements to ffmpeg
> on how it handles multi bitrate / multiple variant HLS as well as adding
> support for features such as alternate audio and subtitles? Issue is at the
> moment it doesn't optimally parse a master playlist file and doesn't
> include sub title or alternate audio support.
> I know what needs to be done and have worked through this with a dev before
> in a closed source environment but would like to see this in ffmpeg but
> don't have time to do it myself at present.
> Would be happy to pay for someones time too.
> Let me know if anyone is interested.

Please open a ticket on trac detailing what needs to be done, so even
if you're not going to sponsor the fixes the information won't get
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