[FFmpeg-devel] Prioritize static builds and self-compilation over distro packages

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de
Wed Oct 30 20:15:05 CET 2013

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 01:03:23PM -0700, Timothy Gu wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Lou Logan <lou at lrcd.com> wrote:
> > Hi Werner,
> >
> > On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:19:28 +0100, Werner Robitza wrote:
> >
> >> The Ubuntu PPAs are out of date, and I suppose the same holds true for
> >> Debian and Red Hat.
> >
> > We could add a note indicating that these are old or using old branches.
> > Or maybe they should be removed completely.
> Actually Jon's PPA have the newest version of ffmpeg in 0.10 branch. I
> guess the reason he used the outdated branch is for the compatibility
> for Libav. (Curse Debian for not using the newest release branch, and
> curse apps for using the old API.)
> I have a new Debian toolchain for ffmpeg based on libav
> 0.8.7-1ubuntu1. Maybe this will interest somebody. One thing about
> that is that it uses 0.10 branch, because I cannot escape the problem
> of incompatibility. That said it is practically the same as Jon's.
> Maybe someone can extended it to build Git snapshot static builds.
> https://github.com/TimothyGu/ffmpeg-debian/tree/raring

I never got around to actually doing it, but note you don't need
to build static.
You can use -Wl,rpath to install all the libraries into e.g.
This has the advantage that it would allow other PPAs to pull
these in if they want to use FFmpeg "latest".
By adding the rpath setting to our pkg-config files it could be fully automatic
I doubt I'll have time to actually implement it, but if someone
is interested in doing this and only needs a helping hand and/or
tips on the technical details I'm happy to help.
Note: I freely admit that it's not sure this will really work out
as well as I'd hope, it just sounds like a nice idea so far.

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