[FFmpeg-devel] Common mailing-list for API evolutions

Clément Bœsch u at pkh.me
Sun Aug 24 00:29:26 CEST 2014

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 12:27:09AM +0200, Clément Bœsch wrote:
> Hi,
> Kieran suggested tonight on #ffmpeg-devel to have a common mailing-list
> between the two projects to start communicating again in sane terms.
> The proposition would be a mailing-list where the 2 projects would send
> the patches that will make API evolutions. So the projects can continue to
> drop or add codecs & filters without caring about the other, but will try
> to communicate more about the API, for the sake of our common users.
> At first, I suggest that won't engage anything from any of the two
> projects (so we don't end up in a stalled states such as one project
> trying to block the other), but it could be seen as a way to introduce
> some common technical ground.
> What do you think?
> On the technical side, we potentially need a neutral party to setup such
> mailing-list. Is anyone willing to do that?
> Best regards,

Please don't reply here, I messed up the libav-devel mail...

Clément B.
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